The Principals of Ventura E.N.T., MED. GRP. commissioned Republic Design Companyfor the design and implementation of the Ventura Hearing Aid Center Logo and NCR Forms.

Fortunate for us, our client had a clear vision of what they wanted their logo to look like. They provided the following sketches and we drafted a few options for them to choose from.

Now that their logo was complete, it was time to package and put-together their “Logo Style-Guide.” The Logo Style-Guide is an instruction sheet that helps clients understand the various file-formats their logo is saved in and what the different uses are intended for. We at Republic Design Company pride ourselves on educating our clients on proper logo usage techniques and are always available to assist our clients on an on-going basis…

The Logo Style-Guide is saved in Adobe Illustrator File (.ai) format, Portable Document Format File (.pdf) format, Jpeg File (.jpg) format, and Ping File (.png) format:

Next, we were asked to design and layout the Ventura Hearing Aid Center letterhead, hearing questionnaire, and purchase agreement. They gave us a guide (old forms to be precise), to model aforementioned forms after.




Many thanks to Ventura Hearing Aid Center for the opportunity to be of-assistance.