The World Famous Black Eagles of Naval Air Station Point Mugu commissioned Republic Design Company for the design and production of their "Black Eagles Softball" Team T-Shirts.

The goal was to screen-print a series of t-shirts for their softball team members. They provided us a picture of an embroidered patch (see below) that they wanted the design to look like. We re-created the patch in digital (vector) format for screen-print (see above).
NOTE: we supplemented the thunderbolts the Black Eagle is holding in it's claws with baseball/softball bats.

For the front of the t-shirt, they wanted their logo on the front/chest/pocket area, (approximately 4in x 4.5in).

For the backside, they wanted to heat-press ("thermo-grip") each team-member's last name + player number(s).

We'd like to sincerely thank the Black Eagles for the opportunity to assist them on this design + screen-print project...