Republic Design Company had the great honor and privilege to be commissioned in the design of, “Eden’s Storm Troopers,” t-shirts for the upcoming annual Aut2Run, Autism Society Ventura County, charity event.

Aut2Run is a 5k/10k/’Fun-K’, fundraiser event hosted by the Autism Society of Ventura County. This worthy cause and noble organization supports individuals with Autism and their families with resources and referrals in the Ventura County area of California; (a chapter of the Autism Society of America).

They asked we incorporate Autism’s “Puzzle” theme, along with elements from the “Star Wars” movies into the design of their T-Shirts. We downloaded the “Stars Jedi font” and laid-out the “Eden’s Storm Troopers” title first. Then, we were asked to design a “Storm Trooper helmet” and somehow infuse “puzzle pieces” into the helmet. NO PROBLEM! Next, we were asked to design crossing “light-sabers” along with complimentary positive reinforcement messages on front and back.
Aut2Run 5k/10K/’Fun K’ takes place April 17. Again, we’d like to thank “Eden’s Storm Troopers,” for the opportunity to assist on such a note-worthy cause…